2022 goals

Man, itā€™s 2022 already. Another year has passed, and I still suck at meeting my goals. šŸ¤£ I want to walk through a quick review and talk about my new goals for this year.

Feel free to check out my 2021 goals here.

2021 Goal Review

Itā€™s crucial to do a review of your previous goals. You may have assumptions about how well you did or did not do. Once you do a review, you can be confident of how you did and make improvements.


I need to do better with a few goals for 2022. One thing is being more explicit with my goals. The examples of ā€œtravel moreā€ and ā€œtake more vacation timeā€ come to mind. Those are agreeable goals, but theyā€™re hard to quantify at the end of the year. Another thing is that Iā€™d like to follow a pattern for setting goals, in particular, the framework described by Sahil Bloom on Twitter. His tweet describes a precise structure for how to think about goal setting. I highly recommend it.

2022 Goals

Alright, on to the substance of this blog post. Letā€™s talk about the goals Iā€™m setting this year. Iā€™m tracking the same goal categories that Sahil mentioned in his thread: Personal, Professional, and Health.




Goal Wrapping up

Happy New Year! I hope you have a great year. To our goals! šŸ»